
The first store in Switzerland with shielding products in 5430 Wettingen, Bahnhofstrasse 73. Here you can feel all products and fabrics, try them on and convince yourself of the shielding effect.
Although there are transmitting towers all around, the radiation in the store is very low and not a problem even for electrosensitive people. We ask all customers to either leave their cell phones in the car or turn them off completely.
Opening hours:
Tue - Fr 10.00 to 18.00
Sa 10.00 to16.00
Switzerland: 5430 Wettingen, Bahnhofstrasse 73
Parking is to the left side of the building
If you would like to come by outside of our opening hours, please feel free to call or e-mail us for an appointment.
+41 (0) 41 559 27 13 -